BIA Blog — dreams
Lean in to win!
Last week was a big week for me, full of “leaning in” to fears and feeling the excitment. It started with jumping out of airplanes and ended with a Pecha Kucha presentation on the book Lean in by Sherly Sandberg.
Plus, your chance to win the "I Am" Butterfly necklace!
Why a girl should run for her life
After 20 years of participation in the sport of running, I achieved my dream of competing in the Olympic Games. I can still remember where it all began, as a young girl growing up in Ireland and how much I loved to run. I wasn’t always the fastest in my class, but I was usually near the front of the pack. My talent for running didn’t come in the form of some supernatural ability, it came from my passion-driven commitment, dedication, and my openness to learning and self-improvement. Sport has given me so much more than an Olympic experience. read more