Zero Tolerance Is Only Answer To Russian Deceit
Am I surprised about this week’s revelations of doping in Russian sport? No, but I have to admit that how elaborate it all seemed is beyond my imagination.
The only solution is to ban them from the Olympics because it looks like it was a top-down operation and the majority of the Russian athletes were tied into it. If there are rare athletes who were being tested in another system as much as the rest of us were, then maybe they can compete under a neutral flag, but unless there are really stringent ways to prove they were not involved, they shouldn’t be there.
In light of the revelations, I’ve been really disappointed with the IAAF’s role in the cover-up of positive tests and with the World Anti-Doping Agency’s lack of policing. To think people in power weren’t fighting your cause or were covering up doping is beyond disappointing. Read more
(Article originally appeared in the Irish Examiner )